Biologics to Chemical

Small molecule

(주)아이랩은 바이오의약품의 한계를 극복하는 면역타깃 화합물 신약개발 전문 연구기업입니다.

메인 파이프라인 보기


다양한 연구를 통해 의학적 미충족 수요를 채우고자 하는 (주)아이랩의 파이프라인을 만나보세요.

(주)아이랩은 면역학을 기반으로 면역 관련 질환을 극복하기 위한 저분자화합물을 개발하고 있습니다.
다양한 연구를 통해 의학적 미충족 수요를 채우고자 하는 아이랩의 파이프라인을 만나보세요.

Project Discovery / Preclinical Ph 1 Ph 2 Ph 3
Hit Lead Candidate IND-enabling
Immuno- Inflammation (II) TNF (IA-14069)

TNF (IA-14069)

Target : Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
MOA : Inhibition of TNF signaling
Indication : TNF-related inflammatory diseases (Rheumatoid Arthritis), tumors
Status : IND approved by the US FDA, Ph 1a
Pros : TNF-targeting orally available small molecule (first in class)
Milestone : Ph 1a completion 2021. 4Q
Competitor : UCB-9260 (UCB/Sanofi, preclinical), Adalimumab (Abbvie, Humira®)



Target : Interleukin 6 (IL-6), gp130 (IL-6 receptor beta)
MOA : Inhibition of IL-6 signaling
Indication : IL-6-related inflammatory diseases (RA, IBD etc.), tumors
Status : Lead (IA-1015, IA-0112-1) optimization
Pros : gp130-targeting orally available small molecule (first in class)
Milestone : Candidate 2022. 4Q
Competitor : SC114 (USC, discovery), Tocilizumab (Roche, Actemra®)

Immuno- Oncology (IO) PD-(L)-1


Target : Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1, immune checkpoint)
MOA : Inhibition of PD-1/PD-L1 binding via PD-L1 dimerization
Indication : Tumors
Status : Lead (IA-5025) optimization, new scaffolds discovery by AI
Pros : PD-L1-targeting orally available small molecule (first in class)
Milestone : Candidate 2022. 1Q
Competitor : BMS-202 (BMS, preclinical), Pembrolizumab (Merck, Keytruda®)



Target : CSF1R (Colony Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor)
MOA : Inhibition of CSF1 signaling
Indication : Tumors
Status : Lead (IA-135) optimization
Pros : CSF1R-targeting orally available small molecule (best in class)
Milestone : Candidate 2021. 4Q
Competitor : Pexidartinib (Plexxikon, Turalio®, tenosynovial giant cell tumor)


(주)아이랩에 가장 적합한 조직구성으로 합리적이고 신속한 의사결정을 도모합니다.

구성원 자세히 보기


2017년 설립된 (주)아이랩이 다양한 정부과제 선정은 물론,
2021년 1월 주력 파이프라인인 IA-14069에 대한 미국 IND 승인을 받았습니다.

2021. 06

임상1상 계약체결 (Pharmaceutical Research Associates, Inc. [PRA])

2021. 05

Series B 투자유치 (310억원)

2021. 01

IA-14069 미국 IND 승인

2020. 12

IA-14069 미국 IND 신청

2020. 11

병역지정업체 (연구기관) 선정

2020. 06

포스트팁스 (Post-TIPS) 과제선정 (중소벤처기업부, 정부출연금 3억원)

2019. 06

의약품 특허대응전략 컨설팅 지원사업 선정 (식품의약품안전처, 정부출연금 5천만원)

2019. 03

제약산업 글로벌 컨설팅 지원사업 선정 (한국보건산업진흥원, 정부출연금 5천만원)


저분자화합물 신약개발 전문 (주)아이랩의 보도자료, 공지사항 등 새로운 소식들을 확인해보세요.


(주)아이랩에서 함께 성장해 나아갈 인재를 모집하고 있습니다!

(주)아이랩 채용공고 바로가기


Tae-Hwe Heo  President, CEO

Professor of the Catholic Univ.

Patent officer

Visiting fellow, NIAID in US NIH

BS, MS, Ph.D, Seoul National Univ.

Kye-Jung Shin  CTO

Professor of the Catholic Uiv.

Center Head, KIST

Visiting fellow, NCI in US NIH

BS, MS, Ph.D, Seoul National Univ.

SungYoul Ko  Research Director, CSO

Staff Scientist, VRC in US NIH

Visiting Scientist, IVI

Senior Research Scientist, Yuhan Co.

MS, Ph.D, Seoul National Univ.

Eun-Ju Jang  Senior Managing Director

25-year Experience in Product Dev. & Licensing

Negotiation/Execution of 14 Global L-O Deals
(incl. $525 mil. deal between AbbVie/Dong-A)

Successful Global Alliance after Deal Execution
(Launch of Sivextro® by MSD globally and Suganon®/Sugamet® by Regional L-O Partners)

Pharmacist/BS, MS, Seoul National Univ.

Suk-Ho Lee  Chemistry Research Director

Associate Executive Director, Boryung Pharm.

Principal Researcher, GC Pharma

Senior Research Scientist, SK Chemicals

Ph.D, Sungkyunkwan Univ.

BS, MS, Sogang Univ.

Hyun-Jun Youn  Director

Development Team Lead, GC Pharma

Project Manager, LG Life Sciences/LG Chem

Research Scientist, Dong-A

Pharmacist/BS, MS, Seoul National Univ.

Tae-Gu Kang  CFO

Accounting team, DONG-A PHARM

Management & Planning team, DONG-A ST

Management & Planning team, DONG-A SH

Corporate Management Officer, Dongcheonsu

BS, Yeongnam Univ.